Saturday 31 January 2015

A poem about Mary (written by Alan Garba and dedicated to me)

Hear ye, hear ye earthlings
my scripted reveries about Marie
with many words unending
I think I am under a spell but don't help me

There are five things I want to say about Marie

four things that have held my gaze

three things that leave me speechless

Two things that've got me singing

and one thing that will forever be on my mind


Adorable, delectable, sweet, exuberant and beautiful

5 adjectives out of a million I describe Mary with

I say all this not because I am in "heat"

but because she has assailed me with a smile so sweet.


Like the sun adorned in sparkles of brilliance

rays of her beauty smites mortal men

her eyes, lips, hips and twin bosom

perfect eye candy for sore roving eyes


Gifted, mature and cool

a rare species of the cute

company awesome like candy

with nothing short of millions can u attempt to marry


All I am trying to say is

There's a girl named Mary

awesome like a canary

I’m smitten, someone save me




Written by Alan Garba

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