Tuesday 8 September 2015

A letter to my unborn child

My dear child,

I know you can’t wait to come into the world,
but you should know that the world isn’t as beautiful as you think.
It’s filled with evil. Lots and lots of it. Did you hear of the man that was burnt to death because he stole a box of matches? How cruel can one be?
I, my dear, am also eager to hold you in my arms. Tie your hair in a pony tail, with ribbons adorning both sides of your head. I can't wait to dress you like the princess that you truly are…Well, that's if you are a girl.

As for my boy, Cristiano Ronaldo would be our idol. You'd rock every hairstyle that he does. I'm sure when you see him, you would love him. I can't wait to watch football with you and your dad. He'd probably think that I love watching football. Truth be told, Ronaldo is the one I love watching.

My child, you have to be patient. Mummy is trying to get you a good dad. One who'd always be there for you and I. Who would never leave us for some other woman. I want what's best for you and I, my darling. Would you want to come back from school and see me all bruised and broken? There are a lot of men who are wolves, dressed in sheep's clothing. You may not understand now, but someday, long after you finally arrive, you will. Then, you'd understand why mummy never rushed. I know the wait is long, but I promise it would be worth it in the end. Hang on my child, the wait will soon be over.

Yours ever,
