Sunday 13 September 2015

Judging a book by its cover

All who know me well, know I have a huge crush on Cristiano Ronaldo. The one guy who has come close to displacing my No. 1 crush, FAZE. Before I set eyes on Ronaldo, Faze was my only crush. However, I fell in love with Ronaldo the moment I saw him. That gorgeous face and killer body and of course, his unparalleled skills. Small wonder I became a Man U fan after watching him play. After Ronaldo left Man U for Real Madrid, I considered switching teams, but I was now in love with Man U. I told myself that I don't have to be a madridista just because my star left Man U. I can remain a Man U fan and be a RONALDRISTA.

One fine morning, I was bored and decided to watch anything to kill the boredom. So, I went on YouTube and the first thing that caught my attention was a video titled, "Cristiano Ronaldo dressed as a homeless man”. Chai! “I have to watch this.” I thought to myself. Hearing Ronaldo’s name always makes me giddy. Seeing a video with his name attached to it was no different either. My mind was made up, I had to watch the video. In the video, Ronaldo hit the streets of Madrid, looking a little scruffy. He kicked a football around, occasionally asking passersby to play with him. Several of them avoided him, probably thinking he was some homeless, or crazy dude.

After realizing that the supposed homeless/crazy man, playing ball on the streets was Cristiano Ronaldo, the atmosphere on the streets changed and a crowd gathered around him. Often times, we treat people based on our perception of them. Our perception of people is usually based on the way they are dressed. This video reinforces some key points in life.

1. Never judge a book by its cover. We have heard this several times and by different people. However, people still judge others by their appearance. This is especially true for many ladies, who pursue guys in exquisite cars and suits, and shun those who don’t look like they sweat money.

2. Treat people the way you would want to be treated. Almost everyone would want to be treated right. I said almost because there are still some nutcases out there who live for punishments, and others who do not know any better than the hurt they are accustomed to and have come to accept. If we always behave the way we would love others to behave towards us, it would be almost impossible to regret the way we treated anyone. We should not pick and choose who we should be nice to, based on how we perceive them. Truth be told, it’s easier to just treat everyone well. Negative behaviour requires too much energy that can better be used for something productive.

So people, remember this video when next you think of turning up your noses at someone you meet. Ladies, next time you see a mad man, better hug him because he may just be Dangote's son looking for Mrs. Right.


  1. Thank you for bringing this to light, nice article! Well done ~ Rho

  2. Hmmmm!!!!!!Tell Dem jawe,,,my damsel
