Sunday 23 November 2014

Mary's diary (Part 2)

I couldn’t believe my eyes. James didn’t strike me as a liar let alone a thief and a killer. I stared at the picture hoping to find something,  anything at all that would prove James' innocence and then I noticed a scar on his right hand as he pointed the gun at my father.

 James had a big scar on his right hand. A scar that couldn’t go unnoticed. I remember asking him how he got the scar and he said he had tried separating two guys from fighting while he was in secondary school and got himself stabbed in the process. I was now convinced that it was indeed James who had murdered my family. I tried calling the police but on a second thought I disconnected the call. The police are not reliable I thought to myself. They could sweep everything under the carpet or could even grant him bail. I knew I had to avenge my parents’ death. It was going to be blood for blood.

 I wanted to go straight to his house and strangle him but I knew that a well-planned murder would be  better. I went online to find out the best way to commit murder without being caught. Some articles were indeed ridiculous. I couldn't stop myself from laughing. Obviously some people think murder is a child's play.

 Few minutes later my phone rang; it was James, he called to find out if I got home safely. After he said goodnight, I realized that though I wanted vengeance but deep down I loved him dearly.

     The next day was Saturday so I decided to pay him a visit. I only wanted him to believe everything was alright between us, well at least that was what I told myself. A part of me wanted to see him because I missed him so much. I'd grown to love James. My body yearned to be with him every second. He was indeed the best thing that happened to me. I got to his house at about 3pm but he wasn’t in. I tried reaching him on the phone but it was switched off. Could he have found out that I knew who he was? Nah, there was no way he could have known. I went home feeling very sad. I waited for his call patiently throughout that day but it never came. I went to bed without speaking to him. This was indeed strange for James’s voice used to be the first and the last thing I hear before going to bed.

       It was now 10 a.m on Sunday and I hadn’t heard from him so I decided to pay him a visit.
I rang the doorbell thrice yet there was no answer. so I turned to go and then the door opened. “Would call u back sweetheart” I heard him say to someone on the phone and then he turned to me “hello how may I help u?” James was indeed crazy I thought to myself he was not only a thief and a murderer but a psychopath with multiple personality disorder. First he addresses someone as his sweetheart in my presence and now he’s pretending to not know me. “ na Femi be that?” I heard someone behind him ask “no na one babe” and then the door opened a little wider. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Right in front of me were two people that looked alike. I couldn’t even tell which one was James. It was obvious that they were identical twins

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